
Napuca is a MVC implementation for DWT.
a View is any DWT widget, you design your interface regardless of Napuca.
a Model is a colection of data, and is capable to emit signals when it's data or state changes.
a Controller is attached to a View and a Model intercepting messages from the View and Model and respond to them.
The Controller is already instructed to handle dwt events. It knows how to handle NapucaEvents, but you have to
explicitly connect it to a specific event in order to listen to it

It's far from ready, it's just a test snapshot ... and I need feedback as I need air :)


Combo combo = new Combo(parent, style);
ComboModel model = new ComboModel();
ComboController cc = new ComboController(combo, model);
model.connect(cc.handleSelectionChange, SelectionChanged);
//you will find full working examples in the download package

download napuca here
download ansi dwt here